
{You're great!}Nishinoya YuuXFem!Reader [PART 2]

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Nishinoya YuuXChubby!Tall!Fem!Reader


School didn't end until pretty late in the afternoon. I close the main school door behind me and look around the empty campus, many were at their after-school activity. I sniffle and start walking towards the school gate.

„WE NEEED HEEEELPPPPP!!!“ I hear yelling coming from behind me.

I quickly turn and scan my surrondings. There are two boys running in a circle and yelling their heads off. One of the boys spot me standing, looking in their direction and he starts sprinting in my direction. After a couple of seconds, he stands in front of me, his face has a shade of panic.

„HELP US PLEEEAAAAASEEEE!!“ the other guy quickly followed his friend, yelling.

„What happened?“ I shoot questioning looks to both of them.

„NISHINOYA-SENPAI IS HURTT!!“ The first boy jumps high into the air, the second one nods eagerly and adds:

„You have to help us!!“

And with that the crazy duo grabs each of my hand and pull me along, I stumble amongst my steps and try to keep my bag on my shoulder.

„C-can't you have your teacher help you?“ I say, as I am running after the two boys, who are pulling me from my hands.

„It's just us!“ is all the answer I get, not understanding what is meant by that.

The three of us are running back to the gym and we basically fly in the doors.

„WE HAVE BROUGHT A GIRL!“ the taller boy in my left hand yells as you enter.

I gulp at the spotanious entrance, because, now, the crowd surronding something by the volleyball net, turned their eyes to our peculiar group.

„Did you really pick up a girl on the campus and drag her here?“ a guy with silvery-gray hair and a black jersey says, giving the two boys the poker face.

„Aganist her own will?“ the guy standing next to the silvery-gray haired boy raises his eyebrow. His dark blue-orange coloured shirt has a number 1 on it.

The grips around my wrists loosens and the two guys' faces drop.

„S-sorry.“ they both exclaim.

Before the situation could get out of hand, I gaze over to the pair of feet on the ground. Without saying a word, I take a few step closer to the „crime scene“.

„Uhm, not to interrupt, but maybe you could still help us?“ a really tall guy was standing closer to me than any of the others.

I nod and give him a smile. We all gather around the wounded guy. Without giving a first glance to the boy, I look at his awfully red knee and swollen ankle.

„What happened?“ I say, as I run my fingers softly along his ankle. My bookbag strap fell off my shoulder.

„Noya-san landed badly on his feet and hurt his knee in the falling process.“ the guy kneeling next to me says.

„Ah, well... Where's your first-aid box? I need some ice, too.“ I look up, giving a questioning look to the guys towering over me.

They run off to find the box, leaving us two alone. I sit on the ground, pulling down my skirt, so it would cover some more of my skin that I really didn't want to see. I look up and meet the injured chocolate brown eyes.

„I'll fix up your leg in no time.“ I smile at him. „I have no idea when you'll be able to play, though.“

„Uhm.. O-on second thought, I-I think I'm fine.“ he tries to sit up, but then winces because of the pain.

„I don't think so.“ I say. „The less you move, the better.“

He lays back down, as a red box is slammed on the floor next to me following with an ice packet. Some time later, the boy is sitting on a chair next to me, with an ice packet on his ankle and a bandage on his knee. We had already made our introductions and soon, I was able to connect his teammates' faces with names.

„You can go (l/n), really.“ he tries to tell me, for the fifth time now. He spins his thumbs around in his lap.

„I am not going anywhere, as of now.“ I didn't remove my gaze from the volleyball game.

„Then let me take you out for ice cream, for helping us out“ he looks at me.

I got stiff and I felt very uneasy.

„Uhm.. There is no need for that.“ I say quietly.

He gives me a questioning gaze:

„If you don't want it to be just the two of us, we can have the others come along too! I'll pay.“

And with that, he gives me a smile, I could never refuse.

„Fine.“ I chuckle, looking at him in the eye.

He laughs victoriously. It's kind of sweet.

'He has a girlfriend for sure..' I shake my head and focus on the volleyball game.


„THE ICE CREAM IS ON ME!“ Nishinoya yells as everyone gathered around.

He jumps up on his healthy foot, the ice pack slips off his ankle. I stand to pick up the ice pack for him and give it to him. I smile sweetly at him and then turn to the rest:

„So, shall we go?“

The team runs off to pack, many of the boys whisper as they stuff their things into their bags. I sigh sadly and reach for my bag. I face Nishinoya and see him struggling to get his.

„Are you really going to jump on one foot all day?“ I laugh, take his bang and swing it on my shoulder.

„Only for today.“ he pouts. „There is no need for you to carry my bag too, though.“

„It's totally fine, I can manage.“ I wave my hand dismissively in the air. „I'll wait outside.“

I step out of the gym and take a whiff of the refreshing spring air. I lean aganist the wall, near the door and poke the ground with my foot.

„Hey, she's kind of cute, isn't she?“ I then hear a voice through the open door.

I let out a slight 'hm?' and lean forward a bit.

„She's a beauty!“

„I don't know, you guys, she seems kind of- Ow!“

„You don't talk like that about girls!“

„Don't get so defensive, Sugawara-kun!“

„I'd have to agree on the part that she really isn't that cute..“

I can hear some fellow agreement noises, I can feel my stomach sinking a bit.

„I swear to god, you take your words back or I'll make you beg her for forgiveness!“

„Oi, calm down, Noya-san. It's not that big of a deal.“

„Then stop saying bad things about her, she agreed to help out you idiots.“

I can hear footsteps moving closer to the door and the whole team steps out. The team's captain, Sawamura Daichi, who was also wearing the shirt with the number 1 on it, stepped closer and smiled warmly.

„Sorry, we took so long.“

„It's fine, we can go now.“ I return to his smile.
Gah! I had too much trouble writing this, but I'm finally happy with how it came out :D
I hope you enjoyed this part, I am truly putting lots of work into this series, leave me feedback!
© 2015 - 2024 Pardike
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chocolatesweety's avatar
Wow I really like this so far
Can't wait for the next! Take your time! I'll forever wait if I have too!!